Can she help?
Best Buy/YouTube Screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET)
In the first quarter of today's Big Game featuring big people doing big things to each other, Amy Poehler will be trying to do big things for Best Buy.
Unlike the players -- who will probably be tied 3-3 in a dull defensive battle when Amy appears -- Poehler has one shot to give the Best Buy brand a shot in arm. Or perhaps a shot at redemption.
Best Buy has been crossing some turbulent oceans recently, so securing the services of one of America' funniest actors is a pleasant coup.
The company has released a sneak preview (embedded here) of Poehler asking questions that are sweetly self-referential, so it may be that this theme will continue during today's spot.
More Technically Incorrect
The idea seems to be that whatever questions you have, those nice people in blue polo shirts will have the answer for you.
In order to reinforce this dream, Best Buy has co-opted the hashtag #infiniteanswers on Twitter.
Naturally, there have already been slight setbacks with this strategy.
For example, a twitterer called Jonathan has already offered: "#infiniteanswers not at your Willimar MN location I have seen smarter things come out of a dead animal."
Worse, another tweeter, Billy Byler seemed to be experiencing a little humorous bile: "Every answer was 'Not sure. Check Amazon.' @BestBuy: Amy Poehler visited us & had A LOT of questions. #infiniteanswers."
Can you win them over, Amy? Can you?
How can Amy Poehler help Best Buy during the Super Bowl?
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How can Amy Poehler help Best Buy during the Super Bowl?